- Hot desk working station in a shared space with a coffee-bar 9-19 h
- 1GB hi-speed internet connection
- External monitor 24''
- Daily hot drink - specialty coffee/ tea / other
- Filtered tap water
- Charging stations, cables and adapters (HDMI, USBs & etc.)
- Ergonomic working chair
- Locker
- 1 hour access to the meeting room / podcast studio (wi-fi, smart TV, microphones, whiteboard, podcast equipment)
- Resonator co-innovation hub access
- Use of printer/ scanner*
- Outdoor bike parking
- Easy access - ground floor in an shopping arcade
- Preferential prices for Resonator labs access
- Resonator community, events and perks access
- Access to a coffee-bar with drinks and snacks
Does not include
- Resonator co-innovation hub labs access
- Phone calls zone access
- Kitchen zone access
On demand paid services
- Meeting rooms (wi-fi, smart TV, microphones, whiteboard)
- Conference equipment (camera, microphones, headsets)
- Event space
- Drinks/snacks from the coffee-bar - Professional lighting
- Access tо a fab lab, device lab, electronics lab, sound engineering lab, XR & immersive lab